Sustainability is paramount to our concept from Day 1. We strive to combine the utmost quality with the lowest possible environment impact.


Natural Fibers

Pure natural cashmere yarn


Up to 75% of the sustainability impact of the fashion industry happens at the raw materials stage - before the clothes have actually been made.

Fibers' selection also affects how you’re going to wash the garment, and potentially recycle it one day - both important factors to consider when it comes to environmental impact.

We decided to use only natural and recycled animal-based fibers that are rapidly renewable and have a potential for circularity. Natural and renewable materials that can safely decompose into the natural environment (soil, water, etc.) without affecting it in a negative way – providing food for bacteria and microbiological life.


One quality

Using only one yarn quality limits the use of unnecessary development and prototypes. 85% of the developed samples are manufactured. Almost no waste since our collections are permanent, “classics”, with designs and colors carry over from year to year.



Cashmere goats hearder in Inner Mongolia


Where are your beloved knitwear made? It’s more about ethics, transparency and know how rather than the made where.

The best cashmere goats come from inner Mongolia, THE cashmere experts. Our cashmere fibers are collected from Inner Mongolia farms owned by our nominated spinner and some fixed long-term cooperative herders. Goats live far away, we are talking about more than 300 km off-road from the nearest city.

The entire spinning and dyeing are done in Hebei province, China. The cashmere recycling process takes place there too. Our yarn mill partner is committed to green production and environmental protection with highly efficient "softened water treatment", "reclaimed water reuse" and "sewage treatment". Simultaneously, more than 50% of the dyeing wastewater can be recycled and reused.

Our partner knitting factory is located in Shandong province, around 500km away from our yarn mill partner (with cashmere yarns transported by truck). The modernity and expertise of the ateliers are essential elements in our choices, in order to guarantee the very best working conditions for employees and quality for our products. More information here



Recycled cashmere fibers


Modern business is one that benefits the economy, society and the environment. We strive to make this happen by using innovative technologies and designing products that are made to last. We believe that the future of fashion is circular – it will be restorative and regenerative by design and the clothes we love never end up as waste. We want to evolve from just reducing our impact to making a positive impact.

Regenerated cashmere: A soft, warm, natural, biodegradable and durable yarn (in a word: cashmere!) but with a far lower environmental impact.

Choosing pre-consumer cashmere in China allows a full traceability and transparency at every stage of the process: Collecting, sorting, crushing, spinning and dyeing are fully integrated in a single mill operated by the same company.  More information here


A philosophy of less

Timeless ivory cashmere


As a boutique brand...

We advocate consuming less and buying uncompromised-quality knitwear that can be enjoyed and valued for years.

We do this by paying close attention to our supply chain.

We disregard seasonal collections but focusing on building permanent collections.

We reject the traditional cycle of fashion that promote discounts and overproduction/overconsumption.